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Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e
選擇一本Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e的工具理財書是多麼的重要
再來就是記帳。「這就像慢跑一樣,每天做一點,累積對數字的敏感度。」透過Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e讓自己有印象,也順便花時間回想當天消費,久而久之,對自己的開銷更有警覺。 最後,則是學習財經知識。我從看Essentials of Investments(Annotated Edition) 10-e理財書籍、報章雜誌著手每月剩餘的錢,我也用來練習買零股,進而去關心時事。
1.Plentiful, high quality end-of-chapter material includes a chapter summary, key terms with page references, Problem Sets (split by level of difficulty), CFA Problems, Kaplan-Schweser problems, Excel problems with templates, Solutions to Concept Check questions, and Web Master Exercises. Appendix B lists each CFA question and the level and year of the CFA exam from which it was derived.
2.Numerous Excel Applications and Problems are included where appropriate. This feature starts with an example presented in the chapter, briefly discusses how a spreadsheet can be valuable for investigating the topic, shows a sample spreadsheet, asks students to apply the data to answer questions, and then directs students to the web to work with an interactive version of the spreadsheet. Select chapters also contain Excel problems and are denoted by an icon. Excel spreadsheets are found within Connect.
3.Numbered Equations are called out in the text and identified by equation numbers, and separate numbered and titled examples are integrated in the chapters. Using the worked-out solutions to these examples as models, students can learn how to solve specific problems in a step-by-step manner as well as gain insight into general principles by seeing how they are applied to answer questions.
4.Current articles from financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal are featured as boxed readings, entitled On the Market Front. Each box is discussed in the narrative of the text to strongly link the real-world relevance to the chapter topics.
作者: Bodie, 林哲鵬
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/06/30
- 語言:英文
財經新聞網站MarketWatch報導,蘋果公司據說在生產下一代iPhone時,遭遇問題,可能削弱分析師預期今秋將湧現的換機潮「超級周期」力道,影響銷售回升。iPhone8概念影片截圖。圖擷自Youtube影片 分享 facebook 去年iPhone銷售量首度出現下滑,蘋果期待今年推出的新手機能帶動銷售重返成長。但多位分析師指出,蘋果在新手機指紋感應器方面碰到問題,可能延遲出貨。若是如此,蘋果面臨兩種情況,一是延後推出,這將影響第4季財報;二是按時出貨但放棄指紋感應器,這可能影響銷售。市場普遍預期,蘋果9月將推出三款新iPhone,包含配備OLED螢幕和3D感應功能的高價機款。外界盛傳,蘋果可能把這款新iPhone的「Touch ID」功能從原本內建於Home鍵,改為隱藏在螢幕底下。KeyBanc資本市場分析師哈格瑞夫說,新iPhone的生產問題據說出在此處。他說,蘋果發現透過玻璃執行的「效能差」。若問題未能在8月前解決,可能須放棄指紋感應技術,改採臉部辨識,但這並非理想解決之道。哈格瑞夫說:「這可能辦得到,但我們不認為是好辦法,因會產生可用性風險,初期可能須在缺乏Apple Pay認證下出貨,兩種情況都可能傷害銷售量和銷售組合。」他認為,持續與第三方工程師合作改良指紋感應器,可能傷害蘋果毛利率。
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